A new method is proposed for the determination of the surface free energy s S and interfacial free energy s SL , based on their linear dependence on the specific heat of wetting of dispersed materials by water. The s S and s SL values of Silochrome, silica gel, and g-aluminum oxide were determined first by this method. The obtained results are compared with data obtained from the similarity method and the empirical relationship between s S and the surface pressure. It is demonstrated that the methods can be used to determine s S for the investigated sorbents. Conclusions about the hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity of their surface were reached on the basis of the results.The surface free energy s S is an important thermodynamic characteristic of solids. For films of polymers having a low-energy surface experimental methods and theoretical approaches have been developed for determining their surface free energy (surface tension) as a thermodynamic characteristic [1]. For single crystals of muscovite and quartz, having high-energy surfaces, the s S values were determined by splitting (cleaving) their crystals. (An analysis of these papers can be found in the review [2].) At the same time, for amorphous silica gel and Silochrome and also for weakly crystallized g-aluminum oxide, which we chose as the principal subjects of the present investigation, there are hardly any published data on their surface free energy. Only in [3] were the surface enthalpies of dehydroxylated (~260 mJ/m 2 ) and hydroxylated (~130 mJ/m 2 ) silica gel determined by dissolution in a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. However, the conditions for pre-treatment of the samples cited in [3] provide grounds for assuming the presence of a certain amount of hydroxyl groups on the surface of the dehydroxylated silica gel and of adsorbed water on the surface of the hydroxylated sample. The data presented in [3] therefore need to be refined.We determined the following thermodynamic characteristics of the investigated dispersed minerals by means of the combined Gibbs-Helmholtz-Young equation [2]: The surface tension of a film of adsorbed water p; the specific heat of wetting with water q; the contact angle for wetting with water in its saturated vapor q V .With a knowledge of these values, using certain empirical relationships [2], it is possible by the similarity method (e.g., see [4]) to determine the free surface energy of oxide adsorbents to a first approximation.In the present investigation it was proposed also to use the dependence of the surface free energy and its difference s Ss SL , where s SL is the interfacial free energy at the boundary between the adsorbents and the water, on q to determine s S . By substituting authentic values of s S , s SL , and q for mica, quartz, graphite, and paraffin in the correlations it is possible to obtain more accurate values of s S and s SL for the investigated adsorbents from the specific heat of wetting.