Nodal topological superconductors display zero-energy Majorana flat bands at generic edges. The flatness of these edge bands, which is protected by time-reversal and translation symmetry, gives rise to an extensive ground-state degeneracy. Therefore, even arbitrarily weak interactions lead to an instability of the flat-band edge states towards time-reversal and translation-symmetry-broken phases, which lift the ground-state degeneracy. We examine the instabilities of the flat-band edge states of dxy-wave superconductors by performing a mean-field analysis in the Majorana basis of the edge states. The leading instabilities are Majorana mass terms, which correspond to coherent superpositions of particle-particle and particle-hole channels in the fermionic language. We find that attractive interactions induce three different mass terms. One is a coherent superposition of imaginary s-wave pairing and current order, and another combines a charge-density-wave and finite-momentum singlet pairing. Repulsive interactions, on the other hand, lead to ferromagnetism together with spin-triplet pairing at the edge. Our quantum Monte Carlo simulations confirm these findings and demonstrate that these instabilities occur even in the presence of strong quantum fluctuations. We discuss the implications of our results for experiments on cuprate high-temperature superconductors.PACS numbers: 02.70. Ss, 03.65.vf, 71.27.+a, 74.20.Rp, 74.50.+r Introduction: The discovery of topological insulators 1,2 has led to the insight that nontrivial band topologies can give rise to exotic surface states [1][2][3] . Particularly interesting are topological flat-band surface states, since their large density of states enhances correlation effects [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] . Surface states with a (nearly) flat dispersion can occur both in topological semimetals [15][16][17] and in nodal topological superconductors (SCs) [18][19][20][21] . However, only in the latter systems is the flatness of the surface states protected by symmetry [21][22][23] . That is, time-reversal symmetry (TRS), particle-hole symmetry (PHS), and translation symmetry ensure that the surface states are pinned at zero energy, resulting in a band of neutral Majorana fermions.These Majorana bands exist in one-or two-dimensional regions of the surface Brillouin zone, which are bounded by the projections of the superconducting nodes. Hence, the number of zero-energy surface states grows linearly or quadratically with the length of the system, leading to a diverging density of states at zero energy and an extensive ground-state degeneracy. Since this is in violation with the third law of thermodynamics, even arbitrarily weak interactions cause a singular perturbation of the Majorana flat bands, giving rise to novel symmetry-broken states at the surface [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]24 . Due to the flat-band character and the low dimensionality of the boundary, these symmetry-broken states are subject to strong fluctuations. Therefore, it is necessary to use metho...