The article deals with process monitoring and the subsequent diagnosis of fatigue damage during material testing of steel S355. The study was performed by means of the metal-magnetic-memory method, Barkhausen-noise analysis and X-ray diffraction. This combination could significantly enhance the inspection quality of critical mechanical-unit parts during their lifespan. X-ray diffraction was applied for the description of the state of residual stresses, in combination with the Barkhausen-noise analysis, which allows us to immediately determine the changes in the surface layer resulting from the residual-stress redistribution, hardness and potential microcracks. Additionally, a new unconventional method for the determination of the stress-concentration-zone location and for the detection of material defects and imperfections, the so-called metal-magnetic-memory method, will be introduced. Keywords: Barkhausen noise, metal-magnetic-memory method, X-ray diffraction, fatigue damagê lanek obravnava proces kontrole, in iz tega naknadno diagnozo utrujenostne po{kodbe, med preizkusom materiala, jekla S355.[tudija je bila izvedena s pomo~jo metode magnetnega spomina kovine, z Barkhausnovo analizo hrupa in z rentgensko difrakcijo. Ta kombinacija lahko ob~utno izbolj{a kvaliteto kontrole kriti~nih mehanskih komponent med njihovo`ivljenjsko dobo. Rentgenska difrakcija je bila uporabljena za opis stanja zaostalih napetosti, v kombinaciji z analizo Barkhausnovega hrupa, kar omogo~a takoj{nje dolo~anje sprememb v povr{inski plasti, kar je posledica prerazporeditve zaostalih napetosti, trdote in potencialnih mikrorazpok. Dodatno bo predstavljena nova neobi~ajna metoda za dolo~anje podro~ij koncentriranja napetosti ter za odkrivanje napak in nepravilnosti, imenovana metoda magnetnega spomina kovine. Klju~ne besede: Barkhausnov hrup, metoda magnetnega spomina kovin, rentgenska difrakcija, utrujenostna po{kodba