ABSTRACT. Glycoproteins (GPs) are known to be involved in the phenomenon of sperm maturation and capacitation. In the present study, we investigated the attachment of GPs on sperm cell membrane during the process of feline sperm maturation from testicular sperm to ejaculated sperm by using 8 FITC-labeled lectins. The results showed that 3 types of GPs were presented on testicular sperm and 7 on caput epididymal sperm. Corpus and cauda epididymal sperm and ejaculated sperm had GPs detected by 8 FITC-labeled lectins used in the present study. This study demonstrates the part of the characteristic of GPs that are present on the feline sperm cell membrane during the process of sperm maturation.KEY WORDS: feline, glycoproteins, sperm.J. Vet. Med. Sci. 73(6): 827-829, 2011 Various glycoproteins (GPs) are present in epididymal secretions and secretions from the prostate gland, vesicular glands, and bulbourethral glands of mammals. Spermatozoa are sent from the testis to the efferent duct in an immature state [1,3,4,6,7]. The spermatozoa mature functionally during their transit through the epididymis, and they undergo capacitation and are stored in the cauda epididymis [2,3,5]. GPs that coat the surface of spermatozoa are acquired or lost and the characteristics of the GPs on the surface of the plasma membrane are changed during their transit through the epididymis [1-3]. There have been many reports on the relationships between sperm maturation, sperm capacitation, and decapacitation factors (DFs), and these have been investigated in many mammalian species [2,4,6,[9][10][11]. Kawakami et al. [6] used FITC-lectins to investigate GP adhesion to the surface of canine caudal epididymal sperm and ejaculated spermatozoa, and the results showed that PHA-E-lectin did not bind to caudal epididymal sperm, but did bind to ejaculated sperm. It was concluded that the saccharide N-acetyl-D-galactosamine to which PHA-E-lectin binds is a DF. Moreover, it has been reported GPs that bind to the PNA lectin have been observed during passage through the epididymis in the rat and pig [3,14], and that they are involved in sperm maturation and transport. In addition, the fact that lectin staining has been observed in the sperm of cattle and pigs after capacitation, and that WGA lectin binding was lost after capacitation has suggested that WGA-binding GPs are highly involved in the sperm capacitation phenomenon [3,4,11]. Thus, GPs appear to be involved in sperm maturation and capacitation.The only reports of research on feline sperm GPs thus far have been of studies in which FITC-lectins were used to determine whether an acrosome was present on the sperm head [8,13]. In the present study we investigated the attachment of GPs during the process of sperm maturation from testicular sperm to ejaculated sperm by using the 8 different FITC-lectins that are routinely used in this kind of study [3,4,6,7,9,11]. It can also be expected to identify groups that are in involved in sperm capacitation and DFs in the cat, the same as has been discussed in...