The roughness of the (110) surface of face-centered-cubic copper has been measured between 200 and 700 °C, by x-ray diffraction. The changes observed are reversible and suggest a roughening temperature of TR-600°C. This value is compared with simple theoretical estimates and found to be in satisfactory agreement.PACS numbers: 61.50. Cj, 64.60.Cn, 68.35.Bs A fundamental understanding of crystal surfaces and interfaces is a goal with many applications in physics, chemistry, and metallurgy, ranging from surface reconstructions to wetting and adhesion, catalysis, crystal growth, and sintering. Perhaps the simplest interface one can conceive is an atomically smooth, low-index facet that separates a crystallizing element from its vapor. However, a recurrent theoretical idea of the last thirty years is that of a surface-roughening transition, 1 which may occur at a much lower temperature than bulk melting. Below the roughening-transition temperature (TR), the interface corresponds more or less to the ideal, but for T>TR, its behavior is determined by surface stiffness. Therefore, capillary waves cause the interfacial position to fluctuate. Microscopically, this is achieved through the proliferation of atomic steps. The transition has attracted attention recently in the context of the equilibrium crystal shapes (ECS), 2 especially of 4 He crystals. 3 The connection is that, for a particular facet to occur on the ECS, the temperature must be below TR for that face. However, there have been few experimental studies of the microscopic aspects of interfacial roughening.Here, I report the results of an x-ray-diffraction study of the (110) face of face-centered-cubic (fee) copper, for temperatures between 200 and 700 °C. It is shown that the root mean square roughness ((w 2 ) l/2 ) of this surface changes reversibly with temperature, by measurements of the Bragg reflectivity far from Bragg peaks. From the temperature dependence of (w 2 ) 1/2 , T R -600°C is deduced. Finally, the values of both (u 2 ) l/2 and TR are compared favorably to simple theoretical estimates. These experiments provide the first direct observation of a roughening transition of a low-index face of a metal crystal. The choice of copper was motivated in part by extensive studies of the ECS of small (5-jum) metal crystals. 4,5 Specifically, it is known that the (110) face of copper is absent from the ECS immediately below its melting temperature (T m =1083 o C). 5 In addition, the He-diffraction measurements of Lapujoulade and coworkers 6 on faces of copper vicinal to the (100) suggest that the (113), (115), and (117) faces undergo roughening transitions. A comparison between the behavior of the (110) face and these stepped surfaces may lead to a better general understanding of the orientation dependence of metal surface stiffness. Finally, it is worth mentioning that while the techniques of microscopy and atom diffraction probe significantly different length scales-microns in the former case and several tens of angstroms in the latter-one advantage of x-ray...