In present day fusion devices optimization of the performance and experimental freedom motivates the use of low-Z plasma facing materials. However in a future fusion reactor, for economic reasons a sufficient lifetime of the first wall components is essential. Additionally, tritium retention has to be small to meet safety requirements. Tungsten appears to be the most realistic material choice for reactor plasma facing components (PFCs) because it exhibits the lowest erosion. But besides this there are a lot of criteria which has to be fulfilled simultaineously in a reactor. Results from present day devices and from laboratory experiments confirm the advantages of high-Z PFM but also point to operational restrictions, when using them as PFCs. They are associated with the central impurity concentration, which is determined by the sputtering yield, the penetration of the impurities and their transport within the confined plasma. The restrictions could exclude successful operation of a reactor, but concomitantly there exist remedies to ameliorate their impact. Obviously some price has to be paid in terms of reduced performance but lacking of materials or concepts which could substitute high-Z PFCs, emphasis has to be put on the development and optimization of reactor relevant scenarios which incorporate the experiences and measures.