We report Monte Carlo simulations of the melting of a single-polymer crystallite. We find that, unlike most atomic and molecular crystals, such crystallites can be heated appreciably above their melting temperature before they transform to the disordered ''coil'' state. The surface of the superheated crystallite is found to be disordered. The thickness of the disordered layer increases with super-heating. However, the order-disorder transition is not gradual but sudden. Free-energy calculations reveal the presence of a large free-energy barrier to melting. © 2003 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1553980͔It is easy to supercool liquids but difficult to superheat solids. The reason is that the free surface of a crystallite can melt at a temperature that is well below the bulk melting temperature.1,2 As a consequence, solids usually melt from the surface inward without significant superheating. There exist experimental studies that show superheating of solids, but in these experiments the crystals are either confined in a nonmelting matrix 3,4 or the experiments reveal superheating of one particular crystal surface only.
5,6The melting of a single-chain polymer system is expected to be different. The reason is that all the polymer units are restricted by the strong covalent bonds along the chain. This implies that, when a single polymer partially melts ͑or dissolves͒, the molten units cannot escape from the surroundings of the crystallite. Rather, they stay around as a ''corona'' and can, in this way, affect the remainder of the melting process. The simulations presented below show that these features make the melting of polymer crystallites qualitatively different from that of atomic or molecular crystals.Lattice models provide a highly simplified picture of freezing and melting. Nevertheless, it has been shown that such models are sufficiently flexible to account for the phenomenon of surface melting in simple ''atomic'' systems. 7 We used a polymer lattice model described in Ref. 8 to study the melting of a single-chain crystallite. In this model, polymers live on a simple cubic lattice, but the monomermonomer bonds on the chain can be directed both along main axes of the lattice and along the face and body diagonals: 6ϩ12ϩ8ϭ26 directions in all. The polymers can be semi-flexible and have attractive nearest-neighbor interactions. For each bond-bond connection along the chain, all noncollinear bonds are assumed to have the same energetic cost defined as E c . The attractive interactions can be anisotropic: Parallel polymer bonds attract more strongly than nonparallel bonds ͑their difference is defined as E p ), or isotropic: the site-site energy change ͑defined as B͒ when forming one polymer-solvent contact from polymer-polymer and solvent-solvent contacts. By varying E c , B and E p , we can ''tune'' the ''phase-diagram'' of a single polymer. A flexible (E c ϭ0) polymer with a large B but small E p undergoes a coil-globule transition.9 In contrast, a flexible polymer with a large E p but small B wi...