The chinchilla animal model for noise-induced hearing loss has an extensive history spanning more than 50 years. Many behavioral, anatomical, and physiological characteristics of the chinchilla make it a valuable animal model for hearing science. These include similarities with human hearing frequency and intensity sensitivity, the ability to be trained behaviorally with acoustic stimuli relevant to human hearing, a docile nature that allows many physiological measures to be made in an awake state, physiological robustness that allows for data to be collected from all levels of the auditory system, and the ability to model various types of conductive and sensorineural hearing losses that mimic pathologies observed in humans. Given these attributes, chinchillas have been used repeatedly to study anatomical, physiological, and behavioral effects of continuous and impulse noise exposures that produce either temporary or permanent threshold shifts. Based on the mechanistic insights from noise-exposure studies, chinchillas have also been used in pre-clinical drug studies for the prevention and rescue of noise-induced hearing loss. This review paper highlights the role of the chinchilla model in hearing science, its important contributions, and its advantages and limitations.