Hybrid lead halide perovskites (PVKs) have emerged as novel materials for photovoltaics and have rapidly reached very large solar to electricity power conversion efficiencies. As occurring with other kind of solar technologies establishing the working energy-band diagram constitutes a primary goal for device physics analysis. Here, the macroscopic electrical field distribution is experimentally determined using capacitance-voltage and Kelvin probe techniques. Planar structures comprising CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3Àx Cl x PVK exhibit p-doping character and form a p-n heterojunction with n-doped TiO 2 compact layers. Depletion width at equilibrium within the PVK bulk has an extent about 300 nm (approximately half of the layer thickness), leaving as a consequence a significant neutral zone towards the anode contact. Charge collection properties are then accessible relying on the relative weight that diffusion and drift have as carrier transport driven forces. Recently, hybrid lead halide perovskites (PVKs) have reached very large solar to electricity power conversion efficiencies, 1,2 with efficiencies 16%. 3 In the last two years, many different configurations have been analyzed varying cell configuration, selective contacts, and even the kind of perovskite utilized.1,2 Despite this broad range of variations, probably the most extensively studied has been the CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 perovskite (or its analogous but using chlorine precursor: CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3Àx Cl x ) as absorber materials, in combination with electron (TiO 2 ) and hole (spiro-OMeTad) selective contacts. The organic cation CH 3 NH 3 þ is mainly responsible for the structural stability of the PVK, while the electronic properties are largely determined by metal and halide hybridized orbitals. [4][5][6] In spite of the spectacular advances in cell efficiency, many aspects of this system are not completely understood. One central piece of information for understanding the photovoltaic operation of these solar cells is the energy-band diagram. In general, the band diagram provides key knowledge of several aspects intervening into the working mechanisms of solar cells, namely, the spatial distribution of the macroscopic electrical field within the absorber layer determining charge collection properties; the direction of electrical field and dipole layer at contacts; the local density of electron and hole carrier at each point of the device. Here, we report on characteristic energy features of PVK solar cells based on the combined use of capacitancevoltage ðC À VÞ and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM).Because of the energetic offset between work functions of the absorber and each contact material, it is expected the formation of a built-in voltage V bi in equilibrium conditions. There are several ways to accommodate V bi depending on the electrostatic characteristics of the bulk materials and interfaces. For undoped absorber materials a rather constant electrical field along the whole bulk is expected as occurring for p-i-n structures. However, doping alters the electrical...