By employing a combination of time-domain measurements and numerical calculations, we demonstrate that the semiconductor InSb supports a strongly confined surface plasmon ͑SP͒ in the terahertz frequency range. We show that these SPs can be used to enhance the light-matter interaction with dielectric layers above the semiconductor surface, thereby allowing us to detect the presence of polystyrene layers around 1000 times thinner than the free space wavelength of the terahertz light. Finally we discuss the viability of using semiconductor SPs for the purposes of terahertz sensing and spectroscopy. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.3049350͔ Due to its nonionizing nature and the distinctive optical response of many molecules in the terahertz frequency range, there has been much recent interest in using terahertz radiation for chemical and biological analysis.1-3 However, with terahertz wavelengths ranging from 100 to 1000 m, the diffraction limit for this long wavelength light means that it is difficult to measure small volume samples. Recent work [4][5][6] has demonstrated that by propagating terahertz radiation along a metallic surface or waveguide it is possible to detect the presence of thin dielectric layers on the metal surface by allowing the terahertz surface wave to traverse a greater length of analyte. The effectiveness of this type of measurement geometry has recently been demonstrated by the development of a terahertz biosensor for DNA binding.
7Near the surface plasma frequency of a conductor ͑typi-cally in the UV/visible spectral region for most metals͒ a propagating surface plasmon ͑SP͒ can exhibit subwavelength confinement of electric field in the direction normal to a conductor-dielectric interface.8 This subwavelength field distribution enhances light-matter interactions with material in the region above the conductor surface-a property which has been utilized in the development of SP biosensors. 9,10 In contrast, at frequencies well below the metal plasma frequency, SPs exhibit very weak field confinement.11 Semiconductors, on the other hand, exhibit a plasma frequency that depends on the conduction band electron density, so that the properties of semiconductor SPs can be tailored within the terahertz frequency range through doping 12 and photoexcitation. 13 In particular, narrow gap semiconductors such as InSb have an intrinsic electron density appropriate for supporting low loss, highly confined terahertz SPs at room temperature.14,15 Indeed, the dielectric function of InSb in the terahertz frequency range 14 is remarkably similar to that of plasmon supporting metals such as gold and silver in the UV/visible frequency range.
16In this paper we present phase-resolved measurements which demonstrate that it is possible to determine the optical properties of a submicron sized dielectric layer above an InSb surface using a propagating SP. We show that the SP on InSb is significantly more sensitive to the dielectric layer than surface modes supported on a gold substrate. Moreover, ...