As part of a study for a mirror fusion-fission hybrid reactor, a preliminary design for a 225-MW neutral beam injector of fast deuterium atoms at 100 kV and fast tritium atoms at 150 kV was prepared. The injector layout consists of four assemblies, each comprising 70 ion-source modules mounted in a converging array. An efficient, long-lifetime cathode for the plasma sources is proposed. The requirements for ion extraction and acceleration are satisfied by a two-stage acceldecel-accel-decel grid system designed to operate within the limitations imposed by beam space charge, beam optics, voltage breakdown, and grid bombardment by secondary ions and electrons. A low-temperature neutralizing cell followed by a system for recovery of the energy of the unneutralized fraction of the beam has been designed to provide an overall injector power efficiency greater than 70%. To maintain required pressures within the acceleration assemblies, the neutralizers, the beam energy recovery systems, and the beam line itself, pumping systems capable of handling a total gas flow of 2400 Torr'litres" are required. Problems associated with magnetic shielding of the ion source assemblies from the reactor fringing field as well as the mounting of the accel-decel grids at high voltage and high temperature are evaluated. * Work performed under the auspices of the United States Energy Research and Development Administration. T On loan from Westinghouse Corporation.
Cryopumpingchamber-85m (280 1 ) diam.
Uranium blanketmodules 1n withdrawn positio .Cryopumping chambers One-stage direct converter Vacuum line to mechanical pumps Module cart' Lead casket for uranium blanket module Helium manifolds to steam generators Main superconducting" coils One-stage direct converter Support 'structure for shielding & module cart tracks Scale: Metres FIG.l. Vertical cross-section through reactor. In the plane normal to the section shown, the sources are stacked 14 deep (in a 700-cm span) and provide a beam which focuses at 60°.