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Materials and Design 92
Electrically-assisted incremental sheet forming (E-ISF) is an effective method to improve materialformability by introducing the electric current in ISF process. This method is particularly useful for fabrication of conventional lightweight 'hard-to-form' materials such as magnesium and titanium alloys. However, the use of electricity and heat in the forming process may also introduce side effects to formed components, such as unsatisfied surface finish. In this work, an improved E-DSIF process has been developed by combining the double sided incremental forming (DSIF) and the electrically-assisted forming technology. Different types of forming tools and toolpath strategies are explored to improve surface finish and geometrical accuracy based on a customized DSIF machine. AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets are formed into a truncated cone shape to verify the proposed approaches. According to the comparative studies, the causes of the rough surface finish in the conventional E-ISF process are investigated, and the surface finish is refined by improving the contact condition at tool-sheet interface in the newly developed process. In addition, a hybrid toolpath strategy is proposed to further enhance the geometrical accuracy. The work demonstrates that the two challenging issues in the E-ISF process, surface finish and geometrical accuracy, could be improved by using the enhanced technologies.