Charge transfer within and between biomolecules remains a highly active field of biophysics. Due to the complexities of real systems, model compounds are a useful alternative to study the mechanistic fundamentals of charge transfer. In recent years, such model experiments have been underpinned by molecular simulation methods as well. In this work, we study electron hole transfer in helical model peptides by means of molecular dynamics simulations. A theoretical framework to extract Marcus parameters of charge transfer from simulations is presented. We find that the peptides form stable helical structures with sequence dependent small deviations from ideal PPII helices. We identify direct exposure of charged side chains to solvent as a cause of high reorganization energies, significantly larger than typical for electron transfer in proteins. This, together with small direct couplings, makes long-range superexchange electron transport in this system very slow. In good agreement with experiment, direct transfer between the terminal amino acid side chains can be dicounted in favor of a two-step hopping process if appropriate bridging groups exist.
■ INTRODUCTIONCharge transfer is a fundamental phenomenon in physical chemistry, enjoying strong and consistent scientific interest for more than fifty years. 1 Understanding charge transfer in complex and flexible biomolecules is crucial for a huge variety of processes, from cellular respiration and photosynthesis to DNA damage and repair. 2−4 Describing it accurately has turned out to be particularly challenging, both to experimentalists and theoreticians. Biochemical charge transfer involves the directed movement of electrons over large distances (multiple nanometers) through macromolecules, typically proteins or large heterogeneous multiprotein assemblies. These processes involve dynamical changes that occur on a time scale spanning multiple orders of magnitude, from subpicosecond changes in electronic structure to microsecond or even slower conformational changes. Only recently has the complicated interplay between atomic structural fluctuations and electron dynamics become a focus for charge transfer studies in biochemical systems, 5−9 building onto earlier work on model systems. 10−15 This fact, combined with the large system dimensions and difficult experimental conditions, explains why many open questions on electron transfer (ET) in biomolecules remain. Therefore, simpler model systems to study some aspects of ET have gained popularity, and theoretical models based on computer simulations have become important tools to help interpret experiments and gain a better understanding of the structure and function of the involved molecules. 16−22 An important model system in the study of charge transfer processes has always been peptide systems. Extensive experimental work was done by Isied et al., who have studied ET over distances of 8−32 Å via spectroscopical techniques and determined the properties of polyproline II helices as ET bridges. 27−34 This wo...