This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Kubiak K.J., Bigerelle M., Mathia T.G., Dubois A., Dubar L., Dynamic evolution of interface roughness during friction and wear processes. Scanning Vol 36 (2014) After an initial period of rapid degradation, dynamic evolution of surface roughness converges to certain level specific to a given tribosystem. However, roughness at such dynamic interface is still increasing and analysis of initial roughness influence revealed that to certain extent, a rheology effect of interface can be observed and dynamic evolution of roughness will depend on initial condition and history of interface roughness evolution. Multiscale analysis shows that morphology created in wear process is composed from nano, micro and macro scale roughness. Therefore, mechanical parts working under very severe contact conditions, like rotor/blade contact, screws, clutch etc. with poor initial surface finishing are susceptible to have much shorter lifetime than a quality finished parts.