Abstract. -To enlighten the nature of the order-disorder and order-order transitions in block copolymer melts confined in narrow capillaries we analyze peculiarities of the conventional Landau weak crystallization theory of systems confined to cylindrical geometry. This phenomenological approach provides a quantitative classification of the cylindrical ordered morphologies by expansion of the order parameter spatial distribution into the eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator. The symmetry of the resulting ordered morphologies is shown to strongly depend both on the boundary conditions (wall preference) and dimensionless parameter q * R, where R is the cylinder radius and q * is the wave number of the critical order parameter fluctuations, which determine the bulk ordering of the system under consideration. In particular, occurrence of the helical morphologies is a rather general consequence of the imposed cylindrical symmetry for narrow enough capillaries. We discuss also the ODT and OOT involving some other simplest morphologies. The presented results are relevant also to other ordering systems as charge-density waves appearing under addition of an ionic solute to a solvent in its critical region, weakly charged polyelectrolyte solutions in poor solvent, microemulsions etc.Introduction. -During the last years there has been large interest in the behavior of block copolymer (basically diblock copolymer) melts confined in narrow capillaries, which were studied both experimentally [1-6] and via computer simulation [7][8][9] as well as by numerical calculations within the self-consistent field theory [1,10,11]. The most characteristic of these morphologies are lamellae ordered normal to the cylinder axis z (slab morphology [10] ) and coaxial shells or multiwall morphologies [7,10] as well as various helices [1,8,9], the morphologies' symmetry being strongly depended on the ratio of the gyration radius R G of the diblock macromolecules under consideration and the radius R of the cylinder the macromolecules are confined to. However, some important issues have not been addressed yet. In particular, the various morphologies (up to 20 in ref [11] and up to 30 in ref [9]) are distinguished only visually by their snapshots and no attempts to relate them to a quantitative order parameter are made until now. Meanwhile, without a quantitative definition of an order parameter and, accordingly, finding the quantitative change of such an order parameter at the phase transitions