Thermodynamic stability of two ordered phases, RS1 and RS2, of Si0.5Ge0.5 alloy is considered. Bulk and surface formation enthalpies are calculated using the model Tersoff's potential. RS2 structure is unstable, but its (001) ordered surface is stable against segregation. Properties of RS1 are just the opposite.PACS numbers: 61.55. Hg, 68.35.Md, 68.60.Dv The present work is motivated by recent experimental studies on spontaneous ordering of Si0.5Ge0.5 alloy [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. The order takes the form of Si2/Ge2 superlattice oriented in {111} directions. This stucture has the rhombohedral symmetry, and may exist in two variants shown in Fig. 1. In the first one, denoted by RS1, the widely spaced (111) planes are occupied by the same type of atoms forming a sequence -Si≡ -G e -G e ≡ -S i -. . . , w h e r e t h e d a s h e s d e n o t e b o n d s b e t w e e n p l a n e s . I n the second RS2 variant the widely spaced (111) planes are occupied by unlike atoms, forming a sequence -Si ≡Si-Ge≡Ge-...Analysis by LeGoues et al. [4] has demonstrated that the phase that grows spontaneously is the RS2 structure. Upon annealing this phase disappears, and the alloy becomes random. However, in the case of Si/SiGe or Si/Ge superlattices, a long annealing may lead to a reversible appearance of the long-range order at the interfaces, which now takes the form of the RS1 structure [7].Here, we present an attempt to understand this behavior, and we analyze thermodynamic stability at T = 0 of Si0.5Ge0.5 alloy. Stability of the phase α against segregation into pure constituents is given by the formation enthalpy:where EX is the total energy per atom for X (= α, Si, Ge) at equilibrium. In the case of epitaxial growth, when the lattice constant of the epilayer in the plane of growth is equal to that of the substrate, the formation enthalpy takes the value (299)