n-Si/Cd and n-Si/Pb Schottky junctions have been prepared by electrodeposition of Cd or Pb from acidic aqueous solutions onto H-terminated and CH 3-terminated n-type Si͑111͒ surfaces. For both nondegenerately ͑n-͒ and degenerately ͑n +-͒ doped H-Si͑111͒ electrodes, Cd and Pb were readily electroplated and oxidatively stripped, consistent with a small barrier height ͑⌽ b ͒ at the Si/solution and the Si/metal junctions. Electrodeposition of Cd or Pb onto degenerately doped CH 3-terminated n +-Si͑111͒ electrodes occurred at the same potentials as Cd or Pd electrodeposition onto H-terminated n +-Si͑111͒. However, electrodeposition on nondegenerately doped CH 3-terminated n-Si͑111͒ surfaces was significantly shifted to more negative applied potentials ͑by −130 and −347 mV, respectively͒, and the anodic stripping of the electrodeposited metals was severely attenuated, indicating large values of ⌽ b for contacts on nondegenerately doped n-type CH 3-Si͑111͒ surfaces. With either Cd or Pb, current-voltage measurements on the dry, electrodeposited Schottky junctions indicated that much larger values of ⌽ b were obtained on CH 3-terminated n-Si͑111͒ surfaces than on H-terminated n-Si͑111͒ surfaces. Chronoamperometric data indicated that CH 3-Si͑111͒ surfaces possessed an order-of-magnitude lower density of nucleation sites for metal electrodeposition than did H-Si͑111͒ surfaces, attesting to the high degree of structural passivation afforded by the CH 3-Si surface modification.