Preface 1 Introduction 3 Sources of funds 7 Cooperating agencies 9 District organization 10 Water-resources data 12 Streamflow network in North Carolina (NC001) 14 Groundwater program in North Carolina (NC002) 16 Water-quality network in North Carolina (NC003) 18 Water-resources conditions 20 Water-resources investigations 28 NCOOIOI-Baseline water-and sediment-quality monitoring program, High Point Lake watershed, North Carolina 29 NC00301-Effects of various land-use developments on surface-water quality in the upper Neuse River basin 30 NC004-lndex sediment station-Yadkin River 31 NC005-Effects of atmospheric deposition on water quality of North Carolina streams 32 NC006-Flood insurance study for Mecklenburg County unincorporated areas 33 NC007-Water-use data-collection program in North Carolina 34 NCOlO-Effects of channel relocation and proposed bridge construction on floodflows of the Catawba River near Marion, North Carolina 36 NC053-Effects of channelization on the hydrology of Chicod Creek watershed, North Carolina 37 NC071-Coastal Plain aquifer study-Regional Aquifer Systems Analysis (RASA) 39 NC073-Water quality of inflow to and outflow from Falls and Jordan Lakes, North Carolina 41 NC074-Effects of stream restoration on hydrology of the Grove Creek watershed and Open Marsh Water Management of salt marshes at Hobucken and West Onslow Beach, North Carolina 42 NC075-Central Coastal Plain aquifer study 44 NCOS 1-Effects of land-management practices on sediment and chemical transport in Guilford County, North Carolina 46 ii NC082-Evaluation of the hydrogeology in the Cincinnati arch region with regard to isolation of nuclear wastes in buried crystalline rocks 48 NC083-Groundwater supply and potential for contamination, Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station NC084-An appraisal of the groundwater North Carolina 49 esources of Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, North Carolina 51 NC085-A reconnaissance evaluation of surface-water, drinkingwater, and effluent-water quality in the Greensboro, North Carolina, area 53 NC086-Low-flow characteristics of North Carolina streams 54 NC087-Water-quality characteristics of se!0cted streams in forested areas of North Carolina 55 NC090-National groundwater atlas (Segment 10) 56 NC091-Estuarine water quality and the management of artificial drainage from wetlands 57 NC092-Determination of flows and flow patterns in the Pamlico River and Neuse River estuaries 59 NC093-Hydrologic characteristics and wafer-quality trends of the Albemarle-Pamlico estuarlne system, North Carolina NC094-Development of ecological surveys for the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program 62 NC097-Urban stormwater hydrology in North Carolina 64 NC098-Analysis of estuarine water quality using continuous-monitoring data 66 NC09801-Flow and salinity characteristics of West Neck 61 Creek, Virginia Beach, Virginia NClOO-Leachate discharge at solid-waste in Mecklenburg County, North 67 disposal sites Carolina 68 NC101-Surface-water quality assessment fbr Region J, North Carolina 70 NC 102-Statewide reser...