Many photoinduced excited states’ relaxation processes
chemical reactions occur at interfaces and surfaces, including charge
transfer, energy transfer, proton transfer, proton-coupled electron
transfer, configurational dynamics, conical intersections, etc. Of
them, interactions of electronic and vibrational motions, namely,
vibronic couplings, are the main determining factors for the relaxation
processes or reaction pathways. However, time-resolved electronic-vibrational
spectroscopy for interfaces and surfaces is lacking. Here we develop
interface/surface-specific two-dimensional electronic-vibrational
sum frequency generation spectroscopy (2D-EVSFG) for time-dependent
vibronic coupling of excited states at interfaces and surfaces. We
further demonstrate the fourth-order technique by investigating vibronic
coupling, solvent correlation, and time evolution of the coupling
for photoexcited interface-active molecules, crystal violet (CV),
at the air/water interface as an example. The two vibronic absorption
peaks for CV molecules at the interface from the 2D-EVSFG experiments
were found to be more prominent than their counterparts in bulk from
2D-EV. Quantitative analysis of the vibronic peaks in 2D-EVSFG suggested
that a non-Condon process participates in the photoexcitation of CV
at the interface. We further reveal vibrational solvent coupling for
the zeroth level on the electronic state with respect to that on the
ground state, which is directly related to the magnitude of its change
in solvent reorganization energy. The change in the solvent reorganization
energy at the interface is much smaller than that in bulk methanol.
Time-dependent center line slopes (CLSs) of 2D-EVSFG also showed that
kinetic behaviors of CV at the air/water interface are significantly
different from those in bulk methanol. Our ultrafast 2D-EVSFG experiments
not only offer vibrational information on both excited states and
the ground state as compared with the traditional doubly resonant
sum frequency generation and electronic-vibrational coupling but also
provide vibronic coupling, dynamical solvent effects, and time evolution
of vibronic coupling at interfaces.