Ac omparative study using NMR spectroscopya nd designed top-pan molecular balances demonstrates that the noncovalent interaction of ah ydroxy group with p-deficient pyrazine and quinoxaline units involves al one pair-heteroarene interaction which is muchs tronger and solvent independent when measured relative to the classical p-facial hydrogen bond to ab enzener ing.A lkyl fluorides also prefer the heteroarene rings over the benzener ing. The attractive interaction between aquinoxaline and aterminal alkyne is also stronger than the intramolecular hydrogen bond to an arene.Noncovalent interactions [1] involving aromatic rings are essential elements for molecular recognition in avast array of chemical and biological processes.Consequently,quantifiable information on such phenomena as p stacking [2] and cationp [3] and anion-p [4] interactions,the ability of an arene to act as ah ydrogen-bond acceptor, [5] and solvation [6] are now regarded as essential for the rational design of organocatalysts and drugs.T he conformational analysis of designed molecular balances [2d, 7] with limited degrees of freedom has proven to be ap articularly powerful tool for probing the strength of the intramolecular variants of such weak interactions with precise control over the geometry of interacting partners.Nevertheless,wewere intrigued to note that there is ar elative dearth of quantifiable information using such molecular balances to probe noncovalent interactions with heteroaromatic systems,e specially given the overwhelming preponderance of such compounds in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries.