Abstract. If it : X -> X is a double branched cover, with branching set F , we relate H.(X : Z2), H,(X : Z2), H.(X, F : Z2), and H»{F : Z2).In this note we present a pair of observations on the homology of double branched covers. These observations arose in our investigations [LW1, LW2], but because of the specialized nature of those investigations and the potential general utility of these observations, we have chosen to present them separately here.All (co)homology in this paper is to be taken with Z2 coefficients. Our first result is a simple generalization of the Gysin sequence, which, however, we have not been able to find in the literature. Theorem 1. Let n : X -> X be a twofold cover of the simplicial complex X, branched over a subcomplex F of X. Let A be an arbitrary subcomplex of X, and set A = n~x(A). If T* denotes the transfer map on homology, then there is a long exact sequence