Abdominal aorta and its major branches supply oxygenated blood to all the organs in abdominal cavity and lower limbs. Striking variations in the origin and course of the principal branches of abdominal aorta have received the attention of the anatomists and surgeons from long periods. Accurate knowledge of the relationship and course of these arterial conduits and particularly of their variation patterns is of considerable practical importance during laparoscopic and various other surgical procedures. Aim: This study was conducted to find out normal pattern and variations of abdominal aorta and its different branches. Materials and Methods: The variations in the branching pattern of abdominal aorta were studied with meticulous dissection and observation, on total 40 adult cadavers (21 males & 19 females), over the period of two years. Variations of various branches of abdominal aorta were noted. Results: We found absent celiac trunk in 5%, instead of common celiac trunk there were two trunks gastrosplenic and hepatic. Origin of inferior phrenic artery was from celiac trunk in 35% cadavers. Accessory renal arteries were found in 27.5%. Gonadal arteries were originating from renal arteries in 5% cadavers. Conclusion: These arterial variations should not be ignored during the abdominal operative procedures, because many of the complications would be avoided with the precise knowledge of these anatomical variations.