Background: Postoperative recovery is a crucial component of the patient experience, regardless of the kind of treatment. There has been a lot of research done in this field, including studies using post-operative recovery as an end measure.Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the consistency of the Quality of Recovery (QoR-40) index among post-operative patients in the hospitals of Erbil city. Subjects and methods: A descriptive study was designed among 166 participants of patients, physicians, nurses, and medical assistants in four surgical wards of Hawler, Rizgary, Maternity, and Raparin (Pediatric) Teaching Hospitals in Erbil City in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The data were collected through self-report and direct interview face-to-face techniques from January to July 2022. A questionnaire was designed, and It is divided into two main sections: the sociodemographic information about the participants is presented in the first section, and the second section contains a ready-made scale question about the QoR-40 index, which consists of 40 items concerning five different items and is used to assess the quality of recovery following surgery dimensions.
RESULTS:The study results showed that all the participants believed that the items of all dimensions were applicable and can be used in measuring the level of recovery for post-operative patients and the correlation coefficient was 0.746 which considered that this index has a Good Agreement among the participants.
Conclusion:This study concluded that the QoR-40 index is reliable among the different peoples of patients, nurses, physicians, and medical assistants, and it's considered that this index has a positive agreement among people with very highly applicable for post-operative patients in measuring the quality of the recovery after surgery.