Over recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of people with amputation deformities of the lower limbs. To a large extent, this is due to the increased incidence of injuries, especially among working-age population, caused by traffic accidents, accidents at work, man-made and natural disasters, military actions, and injuries in everyday life. Theoretical analysis and generalization, sociological methods, expert evaluation method, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Pedagogical experiment involving 86 people with the lower limb transtibial amputation was conducted. The effectiveness of the author's comprehensive program of physical therapy for young adults after the lower limb transtibial amputation at the stage of after hospital care, was acknowledged by intra-group changes and higher key indicators values in the participants of the experimental group, which for men and women are proved by significant (p≤0.05-0.01) improvement of the results of manual and muscle testing with achievement, of physical fitness and most baropodometry indicators, etc. Based on the research results, for the first time the structure and content of the physical rehabilitation program was scientifically substantiated; it was found out that the indicators characterizing the functional.