“…In Germany the use of the robotic system in gynaecological care is only at the beginning of a promising development. The spectrum of indications includes simple hysterectomies, above all in patients with uterine fibroids, with history of several previous abdominal operations, salpingoophorectomy in larger adnexal masses, interventions in extensive endometriosis, sacrocolpopexies, myomectomies (1,47,61), tubal reanastomosis and mainly the modified radical and radical hysterectomies (10, 20-22, 33, 41, 48, 49, 51, 53) in early stages of endometrial (16,25,26,28,31,32,36,37,50,(58)(59)(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)(65)(66)(67)(68)(69) and cervical cancer (12,42,65), especially nerve sparing radical hysterectomy, including pelvic and paraaortic, respectively upper paraaortic lymph node dissection, but also with less frequency trachelectomy, parametranectomy (3,11,14,52,54,55), interventions in early ovarian cancer (30,40), pelvic exenteration (15,35), colposuspension and the lateral colpopexy via transperitoneal approach (19,63,64), interventions in uterine malformations, and others (23). Many of these indic...…”