An azulene cluster is a structural defect of graphenes,
and it alters the electronic, magnetic, and structural properties of graphenes
and graphene nanoribbons. However, detailed experimental investigations of
graphenes or graphene nanostructures embedded with an azulene cluster are
limited because they are difficult to synthesise. Herein, azulene-embedded
graphene nanostructures <b>(</b>AGNs<b>)</b>
were synthesised by following a newly developed synthetic protocol. The nanostructures
comprising pentagons, hexagons, and heptagons<b> </b>has three characteristic
edges, viz., zigzag-, armchair-, and cove-type edges. Experimental and
theoretical investigations of the properties of AGN<b> </b>revealed that the cove edge has stable helical
chirality with a racemisation barrier of 29.2 kcal/mol, in contrast to normal
cove-type edges that undergo rapid racemisation. The in-solution
self-association behaviour and the structural, electronic, and electrochemical properties
of AGN are also described in detail.