This paper represents a personal reflection on what is needed worldwide to prevent child injuries. It repeats messages that have been frequently delivered in the past. The main points are: first, the need for everyone to accept the view that, ultimately, injuries are a health problem and health departments must view them as such. Second, although increased and improved research is undoubtedly important, it is futile and frustrating if the results of existing research are not acted upon. Third, governments must play a central role by creating a national focus for the coordination and implementation of programmes whose value has been established. These points require widespread support if we hope to make genuine progress towards the goals reflected in this issue of the Bulletin.Une traduction en français de ce résumé figure à la fin de l'article. Al final del artículo se facilita una traducción al español. املقالة. لهذه الكامل النص نهاية يف الخالصة لهذه العربية الرتجمة