Packages containing chubs of summer sausage were inoculated with about 105 cfUmL of a three-strain mixture of Listeria monocytogenes and vacuum sealed. The fate of the pathogen was then monitored afrer pasteurization at I50F (66C), I70F (77C), 190F (88C) and 210F (99C) for 0 to 240 s. Pathogen numbers were reduced by about 3 loglo cfu per gram within 30, 60, or 90 s at 21 OF (99C), I90F (88C), or 17OF (77C), respectivelj, whereas numbers were reduced by <2.0 log,, cfu per gram after 240 s of heating at ISOF (66C). The calculated D values were 2.08 min at 15OF (66C), 0.84 min at I70F (77C), 0.37 min at 190F (88C), and 0.28 min at 210F (99C). These results establish the feasibility of using pasteurization to control L. monocytogenes in packaged summer sausage.