As a tropical country with high humidity, Indonesia has the potential to become a breeding ground for Aedes spp. mosquitoes, which is the vector of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). This study aimed to obtain an overview of the density of Aedes spp. larvae in water containers at Paal Dua, Manado. This was a descriptive survey study. The larvae samples found were then taken to be identified microscopically. The results obtained 100 houses to be surveyed; 12 houses were positive for larvae. Containers with the highest percentage of positive larvae were water drums (66.67%), and the lowest ones were pans (7.14%). Based on the identification results, the percentage of Aedes aegypti larvae was 58.33% and of Aedes albopictus was 41.67%. Meanwhile, based on the calculation, the House Index (HI) was 12%, the Container Index (CI) was 10.25%, the Breteau Index (BI) was 12%, and the Larvae Free Rate (LFR) was 88%. In conclusion, the density of Aedes spp. larvae at water reservoirs at Paal Dua, Manado, is in the moderate level.
Keywords: density survey; Aedes spp. larvae; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus
Abstrak: Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara beriklim tropis dengan kelembaban udara yang cukup tinggi sangat berpotensi untuk menjadi tempat berkembangbiaknya nyamuk Aedes spp. yang merupakan vektor penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tingkat kepadatan jentik nyamuk Aedes spp. pada tempat penampungan air (TPA) di Kelurahan Paal Dua. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei deskriptif. Sampel jentik yang ditemukan selanjutnya diambil untuk diidentifikasi di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan dari 100 rumah yang diperiksa, 12 rumah positif jentik. Jenis TPA dengan persentase positif jentik paling tinggi yaitu drum sebesar 66,67%, dan paling sedikit pada loyang yakni sebesar 7,14%. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi, diperoleh persentase jentik Aedes aegypti 58,33% dan Aedes albopictus 41,67%, dan dari perhitungan, diperoleh House Index (HI) sebesar 12%, Container Index (CI) 10,25%, Breteau Index (BI) 12%, dan Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ) 88%. Simpulan pene;litian ini ialah kepadatan jentik nyamuk Aedes spp. pada TPA di Kelurahan Paal Dua berada pada tingkat sedang.
Kata kunci: survei kepadatan; jentik Aedes spp; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus.