The Internet of Things provides new ways for communication through the Web world using objectenabled networks. At the same time, M2M devices intercommunication and their communication through the web if they were connected to the Internet, presents new challenges, especially in security, that traditional communication models have not yet fully solved. Because of their inborn un-watched, minimal effort and mass-sent nature, M2M devices, and remote communication architectures and solutions for these devices, would encapsulate new dangers in security. These threats are not fully faced by use of security technologies and methods implemented in existing wireless devices, cellular networks or WLANs. The use of cloud computing gives a convenient, on demand and scalable network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources and devices. This paper concentrates on a secure method to integrate the M2M protocols with the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing under the name of Secure Machine-to-Internet Clouding (SM2IC) architecture. The secure design for integrating M2M protocols, along with IoT and cloud computing is proposed. To apply this design, an IoT enabled smart home scenario was examined to analyze secure communication between M2M devices and IoT applications. Also, the cloud computing is used to include different cloud applications, such as, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS for monitoring the quality of service of M2M devices through IoT applications. Then, simulations were performed to test the proposed security technique, followed by conclusions and future work. executed over the previous decade. In any case, most platforms were applied in light of particular solutions or created to address certain domain issues.To interconnect different proprietary platforms and deliver common IoT services to customers, there is a strong need to create a standardized IoT platform. To face interoperability issues, seven standard development organizations (SDOs) started a global standards project named oneM2M [5], by providing scalable and interoperable IoT standards for communication of devices and services. The goal of oneM2M is to present a single horizontal service platform, that can be implemented in different industries to deliver smarter IoT services to users and to exchange and share data among IoT applications. Machine-tomachine (M2M) communication is one of the next frontiers in wireless communication. There exist a large number of possibilities, in terms of new use cases, services and applications, that is suggested to result from communication between M2M devices. M2M can present benefits for the production and market opportunities for various manufacturers of M2M devices and components, service providers, and network operators.Due to the huge number of M2M devices expected to be used, in a highly distributed network, enforcement of traditional security methods will not be practical because of the high cost of implementation of these devices. Also, deploying the conventional centralized IT security network mod...