Alcator C-Mod is a particularly challenging environment for thermography, presenting issues that will similarly face ITER, including: low-emissivity metal targets, low-Z surface films, and closed divertor geometry. In order to make measurements of the incident divertor heat-flux using IR thermography, the CMod divertor has been modified and instrumented. A 6 o toroidal sector has been given a 2 o toroidal ramp in order to eliminate magnetic field-line shadowing by imperfectly aligned divertor tiles. This sector is viewed from above by a toroidally displaced IR camera and is instrumented with thermocouples and calorimeters. The camera provides time-histories of surface temperatures that are used to compute incident heat-flux profiles. The camera sensitivity is calibrated in-situ using the embedded thermocouples, thus correcting for changes and non-uniformities in surface emissivity due to surface coatings.