ABSTRACT. Antibodies to Ehrlichia canis and Hepatozoon canis in dogs at the Animal Hospital in Yamaguchi University were surveyed and potential risk factors for both pathogens were evaluated. Among 430 dogs examined, 20 (4.7%) and 18 (4.2%) dogs showed positive findings for E. canis and H. canis, respectively. Neither, sex nor age was associated with the seropositivity of either pathogen, but the positive rate in dogs kept outside was slightly higher than that in dogs kept inside for both pathogens. A higher seropositive reaction to E. canis and H. canis was observed in dogs that lived in certain cities and towns. Beagles, golden retrievers and pointers had higher seropositivity than other breeds in E. canis, whereas shibas, akitas, beagles, pointers and mongrels had higher positive rates than other breeds in H. canis.-KEY WORDS: canine, Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon canis.