Abstract. Building condition assessment is growing and become more important in the context of the built environment and Asset Management in Malaysia. This paper presents the method and the use of a standard guidelines for Building Condition Assessment (BCA) as a tool to evaluate the physical condition of the building. The purpose of this paper is to understand the use of BCA in assessing building condition. The methodology was based on literature review, review contents from archive document of Public Work Department (PWD) Malaysia which is involved study on the existing methods, proposal, discussion, piloting, improvement, approval and analysis of data. A case study involved of 15 buildings with various function such as office, health clinic, quarters and learning institution involved by more than 300 numbers of building inspectors or assessors. The findings shows that the using of the standard for condition assessment, the building inspectors or assessors can provide the data and condition rating to the buildings according to the standard. The results then used to examine a level consistency of BCA in data collection and it will easily assessed and understood, and the appropriateness of BCA to different types of buildings.