The Poo´uli (Melamprosops phaeosoma) is a highly endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper endemic to Maui, and is currently one of the World's rarest birds. Only two wild individuals of this species are now known to exist, and they are restricted to the windward slopes of Haleakala volcano on east Maui. Studies of the more common honeycreepers on the Hawaiian islands describe a diverse array of spatial use and movement patterns, which vary according to specific ecological needs. In contrast, spatial use and movement of Poo´uli are very poorly known, despite continuous field monitoring of all three individuals since 1997. We analyzed annual data by breeding season between 1995 and 2001 for three individuals, and eight days of telemetry data derived from the radio-tracking of one individual in 2002, using GIS and conventional methods, to estimate home range size, and to interpret these data alongside those for other honeycreepers. We estimated mean home range sizes of 8.43 hectares (ha) from annual re-sights using kernel analysis and 2.14 ha using minimum convex polygons, and 8.44 and 3.51 ha respectively from telemetry data. Our estimates conform to those derived for other insectivorous honeycreepers, but indicate that Poo´uli may forage widely to support their diet of forest snails. Our home range size estimates are compatible with estimates of population density for Poo´uli that were derived from field transects between 1975 and 1985, suggesting that such field methods may be a reliable density estimator for rare forest birds.