Gastric cancer (CG) is the second leading cause of cancer deaths. The best treatment option for patients with advanced GC (AGC) is still surgery, which involves performing a gastrectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy (D2L). The aim of this study was to determine postoperative morbidity (POM) and 5-year OS in patients resected by AGC without neoadjuvant. Case series with follow-up of patients with AGC undergoing total or subtotal gastrectomies and D2L, consecutively at RedSalud Mayor Temuco Clinic, between 2008 and 2019. The outcome variables were POM and 5-year OS. Other variables of interest were surgical time, number of resected lymph nodes, hospital stay, and recurrence. Descriptive statistics was used, and Kaplan-Meier curves were calculated. In this analysis 38 patients (71.1 % men), with a median age of 65 years, were operated. The most frequent location was subcardial (50.0 %). The most frequent type of resection was total gastrectomy (60.5 %). The median of surgical time, number of resected lymph nodes and hospital stay; was 190 min, 32 and 6 days respectively. MPO was 18.4 %. With a median follow-up of 28 months, a recurrence of 44.7 % was verified; and 5-year OS for stages IIIA, IIIB and IV were 53.3 %, 46.1 % and 20.0 % respectively (p= 0,007). The results achieved, in terms of POM and OS series were similar to national and international series in which neoadjuvant therapies have not been applied.