Lipidomics Multi-User Laboratory (ESALQ/USP), for their technical support during the metabolomics analysis and their prompt disposition to clarify any question I had about the analysis.Lucinda Wallace, the technician from Dr. Andrew Michel's Laboratory at OARDC/OSU, for the joy and attention in helping me during the execution of my project in Wooster.My colleagues from the Insect Interactions Lab, a lab I have been a part of in the last 8 years. I am very grateful for all the support, learning, assistance, coffees, lunches, and secret Santas we had together. I grew a lot as a person and a professional, and this group made my PhD much more special.Pedro Augusto da Pos Rodrigues for his help with the bioinformatics analysis and patience in teaching me, but most of all for his friendship.Diandra Achre who has contributed significantly throughout the course of my study and has always been eager to help even if it was costly. Besides being a very special friend to me.The Christian Graduate Student Alliance (CGSA) in Columbus Ohio for welcoming me and sharing valuable teachings with me.The University Bible Alliance (ABU), which was my safe place throughout my graduate studies.The Piracicaba Baptist Church (PIB), which always provided indispensable support during my time in Piracicaba.The most important people in my life: my mother Cristina, my father Antoniel, my grandfather Walter, my grandmother Isola, my brother Arthur and my sister-in-law Isabella. I want to thank you for always encouraging me and believing in me especially in the most difficult moments; you have been a constant source of unconditional love, patience, understanding, support and strength for all these years. I would also like to give special thanks to my father for taking care of me and helping me with some of my experiments when I broke my foot.God, because to him and through him and for him are all things; to him be glory forever.Thank you very much! 6 You are not an encapsulated bag of skin Dragging around a dreary little ego. You are an evolutionary wonder, A trillion cells singing together in a vast chorale, An organism -environment, A symbiosis of cell and soul.