In today's world of international commerce and technology-driven communication, the exchange of information across countries and cultures has become crucial to creating a global citizenry. After World War II, efforts to create a global commercial market resulted in the promotion of communication across cultures. The purpose of this thesis is to outline a theoretical rationale for a beginner English for Specific Purposes (ESP) curriculum in a foreign setting (Brazil). The curriculum consists of four courses organized around three pillars: (a) the production of spontaneous contextualized communication in the target language, (b) the development of cultural competence specific to the business arena, and (c) the applicability of praxis-oriented learning to the workplace. The Getting Down to Business model takes an innovative approach by drawing its rationale from a variety of methodological documents traditionally used for foreign language instruction-the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Guidelines, and the Languages Across the Curriculum reform. Based on these documents, the Getting Down to Business curriculum places the ESP curriculum in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) scenario. Its state-of-the-art assessment system utilizes the ACTFL's Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) prototypes as its central assessment instrument and implements a praxis-oriented approach to language teaching and learning providing immediate application of the tasks learned in class to job related activities. The document provides a four-semester course curriculum, from novice-mid to intermediate-mid in the ACTFL proficiency scale and includes ideas for the assessment of the curriculum. However, as someone who I loved dearly used to say: "Everything happens for a reason." And I believed him, so I was up for the challenge. I have to thank many people who helped me along this journey. First and foremost, my family and friends. "Aos meus pais, agradeço pelas abnegações e sacrifícios no intuito de me propiciar uma educação de qualidade e por sempre manterem os meus pés no chão ainda que os sonhos quisessem me levar para longe. Aos meus avós, Jandira e Manoel, pelo exemplo de sabedoria, humildade e perseverança em todos os momentos. À minha Tia Mera, minha segunda mãe, pelas orações fervorosas e carinho. À minha Tia Graça, pelo exemplo de força e caráter. Aos meus amigos de todas as horas, Flávio e Gisele, pelo constante carinho e incentivo a mim dispensados. À amiga que ganhei de presente, Gisele Sardi, por me ensinar que 'tudo tem seu tempo' e a enxergar a lua e as estrelas no céu 'com um olhar de anjo.' À Lívia Lírio, pelos conselhos e consolos nas horas mais adversas e a amizade de uma irmã. À Lívia Cascão pelas caronas, gargalhadas, e pelo apoio incondicional sempre. Sobretudo, agradeço a Deus por ter colocado todos vocês em meu caminho." Also, I have no words to describe how grateful I am for having met Christine Shaw, who kindly open the doors of h...