The circular economy and sustainability are concepts that are mutually interconnected and have been the subject of debate and research. The circular economy primarily focuses on the sustainable use of resources. Reuse centers and reuse points are concrete examples of implementing the reuse principle, which contributes to a more efficient use of resources and a reduction of the negative impact on the environment. Establishing and running a reuse center or reuse point has several positive impacts (economic, environmental, and social), but there are also legal aspects that need to be considered when deciding on the form and system of their operation. The aim of this paper is to identify the legal norms (laws and decrees) as well as other legal regulations that are applicable to the topic of establishing re-use centerst/re-use points. This includes a comparative analysis of the current forms of establishing these operations to summarize the advantages, disadvantages, and risks accosiated with each form. Another objective is to synthesize these legal regulations into basic clusters according to their relevance to different aspects of the operation of re-use centers/reuse -points.