Of late, there has been growing awareness among organizations as to the importance of green issues. This article seeks to examine how workplace design features of a green building contribute to the formation of employee organization commitment (OCM) through better job satisfaction (JST) within employees. Based on a comprehensive literature review, a theoretical model was proposed for investigation. Three putative paths linking workspace (WSP) to JST, departmental space (DSP) to JST, and JST to OCM were then tested relying on a survey data of 356 employees collected from three Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-certified companies, namely Indian Tobacco Company (ITC), Suzlon Energy Ltd, and Olympia Technology Park uses structural equation modeling (SEM) methodology as prescribed by Hair et al. Significant evidences were witnessed in support of all three purposed paths. The study drew data only from the greencertified organization. Future research should involve other green organization or larger sample of green building. The size and character of the sample were restricted by organizational constraints. Keywords green building, workplace design feature, JST and organization commitment, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)