The COVID-19 pandemic brought about social distancing, self-isolation, and movement control orders, leading to an increased demand for food and disruptions in the supply chain. Consequently, home gardening gained popularity as a productive and environmentally friendly activity, inspiring Penang residents to grow their greens. The state government and organisations like Think City and the Consumers' Association of Penang recognised the importance of urban gardening initiatives. This research investigates the impact of home gardening on society, highlighting its potential as an approach to a socialist society and its alignment with sustainable development goals, including zero hunger and climate action. Home gardening promotes self-sufficiency, food security, and sustainable practices, especially in urban areas, contributing to food system resilience. It fosters community involvement, and cohesiveness, enhancing well-being and happiness among gardeners. The study underscores the importance of promoting home gardening to achieve a more resilient and sustainable future for Penang.