The present work investigated alkali-activated mortars with high ceramic waste contents. Tile ceramic waste (TCW) was used as both a recycled aggregate (TCWA) and a precursor (TCWP) to obtain a binding matrix by the alkali-activation process. Mortars with natural siliceous (quartz) and calcareous (limestone) aggregates, and with other ceramic waste materials (red clay brick RCB and ceramic sanitaryware CSW waste), were also prepared for comparison purposes. Given the lower density and higher water absorption values of the ceramic aggregates, compared to the natural ones, it was necessary to adapt the preparation process of the recycled mortars by presaturating the aggregate with water before mixing with the TCWP alkali-activated paste. Aggregate type considerably determined the mechanical behaviour of the samples cured at 65ºC for 3 days. The mortars prepared with the siliceous aggregate presented poor mechanical properties, even when cured at 65ºC. The behaviour of the limestone aggregate mortars depended heavily on the applied curing temperature and, although they presented the best mechanical properties of all those cured at room temperature, their compressive strength 2 reached a maximum when cured at 65ºC, and then decreased. The mechanical properties of the mortars prepared with TCWA progressively increased with curing time (53 MPa at 65ºC for 28 days). An optimum 50 wt.% proportion was observed for the limestone/TCWA mortars (≈43 MPa, 3 days at 65ºC), whereas the mechanical properties of that prepared with siliceous particles (10 MPa) progressively increased with the TCWA content, up to 100 wt.% substitution (23 MPa). Limestone particles interacted with the binding matrix, and played an interesting beneficial role at the 20ºC curing temperature, with a slight reduction when cured long term (28 days) at 65ºC. The results demonstrated a potential added value for these ceramic waste materials.