The study investigates the contextual correlates of sustainable practices at Anao-Kiling Elementary School, emphasizing human values as dominant factors in environmental stewardship. Specifically, this study aims to assess the level of environmental awareness, identify environmental issues, explore practiced behaviors, and examine challenges faced by students. Using a descriptive-normative research design, data was collected from 36 Grade 6 pupils through structured questionnaires. Frequency count and percentage distribution, weighted mean, Pearson-r correlation, and Chi-Square test were used to analyze the data. Results show that most respondents had access to smartphones, indicating a certain level of economic stability. Environmental care programs were implemented in many schools, and pollution and overpopulation were considered moderately serious issues. Both technology-based and non-technology-based activities showed a slightly aware level of environmental awareness. The findings also revealed that the respondents demonstrated practiced behaviors and exhibited human values like respect and honesty. Challenges faced included miscommunication about waste segregation policies and a lack of enthusiasm for clean-up activities. The statistical analysis indicated no significant correlation between environmental issues and human values, nor between environmental awareness and confronting environmental problems. Moreover, socioeconomic factors do not relate to the level of environmental care practices. To foster sustainable behaviors among students, regardless of socioeconomic status, it is essential to integrate environmental values and practices into school curricula. It is recommended that schools prioritize environmental education and enhance communication regarding waste segregation policies to promote a culture of environmental stewardship.