Purpose: This study aims to reveal research trends by revealing the evaluation in this field by making a holistic analysis of academic studies that have examined the concepts of innovation and productivity in the last five decades. This analysis aims to reveal the general structure of academic studies that deal with the concepts of innovation and productivity. Methodology: Articles searched in the ‘‘Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)’’, ‘‘Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)’’ and ‘‘Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)’’ in the ‘‘Web of Science (WoS)’’ database, researching innovation and productivity together between 1980-2023. It was analysed and mapped using the VOSviewer 1.6.19 software and manual methods. Co-occurrence Keyword Analysis, Document Co-citation Analysis and manual analysis methods were used in the mapping. Findings: This study reveals how research in innovation and productivity has developed over the last five decades and what trends it has. It has been determined that the most published areas are Economy, Management and Business. The most frequently used keywords were found to be "innovation", "productivity", "research-and-development", "growth", "performance" and "impact". The most published topics on a cluster basis are "impact", "innovation and productivity", "growth", "research and development" and "performance", respectively. In the document co-citation analysis, it was determined that the publication in which all publications were linked included the study titled "Research, Innovation and Productivity: an econometric analysis at the firm level", published by Crépon et al. (1998). This information can be a valuable resource for future research and policy-making and can be used to drive innovation and productivity progress. Originality: While the study is the first and only content analysis to reveal the combined trends in this field by examining the "innovation and productivity" studies together, it is thought that the results obtained can guide researchers and professionals.