To understand how farmlands help maintain biodiversity, we investigated the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and Orthoptera community composition on multiple spatial scales. First, we determined the impact of 12 environmental variables on the Orthoptera community diversity by sampling 37 quadrats in uncultivated fields over a broad spatial scale. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) demonstrated that environmental parameters influenced species composition. The first two canonical axes were associated with forest cover, grass (including harvested dried grass in some cases), bare or paddy fields, and plants with tall stems. Secondly, we conducted a local-scale survey of Orthoptera assemblages in an operational farm unit consisting of paddy fields, fallow fields, marginal grass fields, and secondary forests. Eleven Orthoptera species (46%) were found exclusively on specific vegetation types. Thirdly, we carried out a habitat-scale survey to elucidate the correspondence between consecutive spatial changes in vegetation and Orthoptera community composition in a paddy field and surrounding marginal fields. Even within narrower ranges, the compositional habitat heterogeneity induced changes in the dominant Orthoptera species composition. These results indicate that a high degree of habitat segregation occurs among Orthoptera species in field margins and in uncultivated fields, and that farmland management significantly affects spatial distribution of Orthoptera.