The practice of sports activities related to nature and the environment is a social and tourist phenomenon that is increasingly popular. In this paper, we aim to find and analyze the sociodemographic characteristics of tourists who take trips in order to find and enjoy trekking opportunities. Thus, it seeks to facilitate the design of offers of more sustainable activities aimed at this public which contribute to the development of an efficient tourism model to preserve the environment. The research has been carried out by analyzing the data obtained from the travel file of the Resident Tourism Survey of the National Statistical Institute for 2019. The profile of the trekking tourist in Spain is Spanish, married, lives as a couple, and very well educated. Participants are usually busy and use their car, other private vehicles, or destination-provided transportation. They tend to stay in the homes of family, friends, or their employer on their trips. This information is relevant for the design of sustainable tourism products since by knowing the priorities of this profile of tourists, more sustainable activities can be elaborated and better development and protection of the environment can be achieved.