Introduction: As a novel teaching technique, educational simulations can expand students’ knowledge, skills, and performance. This study was carried out to design, implement, and evaluate simulated nursing grand rounds in promoting the learning of clinical nursing care in postgraduate nursing students at Guilan University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and methods: In this quasi-experimental study, all postgraduate nursing students of Shahid Beheshti School of Nursing and Midwifery, Rasht, in the second semester of the academic year 2021-2022, were invited to take their clinical credits. Each training credit was held in six days by attending nursing grand rounds in the clinical setting with the relevant professor and peers and participating in the simulated grand rounds at the skill lab. The data collection tool consisted of a two-section questionnaire, with the first part containing a demographic profile and a questionnaire about satisfaction with the simulated grand round (STROEHLEIN & SPENCER,2020)
Results: Twelve second-semester postgraduate nursing students participated in this study. The mean age of the participants in this study was 25.58 ± 2.67, and the field of most of them was internal surgery (67.7%). The wards where the training course was held included cardiac 58.3% and ICU 41.7%. Evaluating students’ opinions about this teaching method indicated that 80-100% were satisfied with the simulated nursing grand round. The majority of students (83.3%) believed that the method was very effective and beneficial in analyzing complex patients.
Conclusion: The simulated grand round intensifies students’ awareness and satisfaction and helps the professor apply the theoretical concepts educated in the classroom in the clinical setting. Therefore, this method can be a valuable tool to expand nursing students’ learning in clinical settings.