Unipolar psychotic depression (PD) is a highly debilitating condition, which needs intense monitoring and treatment. Among patients with recurrent PD, delusions tend to be very similar or identical over several separate episodes during the course of illness, but case-reports illustrating this clinical phenomenon in detail are lacking from the literature.
Case report describing the 45-year-old Ms. J, who has experienced multiple episodes of PD. The report is based on a review of her medical file.
The delusional theme of Ms. J’s initial episode of PD reappeared at several subsequent episodes. During the majority of admissions, Ms. J was treated with electroconvulsive therapy, which resulted in significant improvement in the depressive, psychotic and catatonic features.
Ms. J’s case illustrates that PD can be a stable phenotype over many episodes and that it is important to recognize psychotic symptoms in order to prescribe the best possible treatment.