SunzmaryWithin 1523 coloscopic examinations, on 299 occasions, the primarily diagnostic procedure was, at the same time, a therapeutic one. We were able to develop reliable methods, suitable also for routine application, for the electro-surgical removal of polypoid lesions of the colon (n=282) with the aid of closed or open high-frequency loops, for the extraction of foreign bodies (n=1) and for the removal of non-absorbable suture material (n=5). Although not yet "ripe" for routine applications, we have already gained initial experience with treatment by injection (n = 5) and successful electro-coagulation of bleeding and non-bleeding haemangiomas (n=5), and have carried out first experimental investigations into the application of the laser in Bar: colon. In an further case we made an electroresection of an inoperable carcinoma as a palliative treatment.The diagnostic value of endoscopic and bioptic examinations of the entire colon is unquestionable. Now, however, by employing suitable fibreglass endoscopes provided with one or two instrument channels, and also new techniques and supplementary instruments, therapeutic procedures have become possible (2).In this study, we wish to report on the electro-surgical removal of polypoid lesions, on the extraction of foreign bodies, the removal of non-absorbable suture material, on treatment with injections, elektrocoagulation, electroresection of inoperable malignomas, and on laser endoscopy, and to describe our own experiences in these fields.
MethodWith the aid of the conventional singlechannel coloscopes manufactured by the firms Endoscopy 7 (1975) 59-63 C) Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart Neue Aspekte der therapeutischen Koloskopie Bei 1523 Koloskopien war der primar diagnostische Eingriff 299mal zugleich eine therapeutische Mafinahme. Dabei konnten ebenso sichere wie auch routinemalig anwendbare Methoden zur elektrochirurgischen Abtragung von polypoiden Dickdarmlasionen (n = 282) mit geschlossenen und offenen Hochfrequenz-Diathermieschlingen sowie zur Extraktion von Fremdkarpern (n = 1) und zur Entfernung nicht resorbierbaren Nahtmaterials (n = 5) entwickelt werden. Wenngleich noch nicht routinemaBig anwendbar, haben wir erste klinische Erfahrungen mit der Injektionsbehandlung (n = 5) und erfolgreichen Elektrokoagulation (n=5) blutender und nicht blutender Hamangiome sammeln kannen und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Laseranwendung im Dickdarm durchgefiihrt. In einem weiteren Fall wurde als Palliativmaßnahme eine Elektroresektion eines inoperablen Kolonkarzinoms vorgenommen.of Olympus, ACMI and Machida, and also with the new two-channel "operation coloscopes", F9-A made by ACMI, and FCS-2 W made by Machida, we have, to date, carried out a total of 1523 coloscopic examinations. On 299 occasions, the primarily diagnostic procedure was, at the same time, a therapeutic one (Table 1).The techniques employed have been discribed in detail elsewhere (2, 3).
The electrosurgical removal of polypoid lesionsFor the electrosurgical removal of polypoid lesions, we have ...