Kriza je ! OGLAŠUJTEKriza je. Umirajo nam blagovne znamke, umira nam stroka, umirajo nam podjetja. Naj akcija Kriza je. Premagajmo jo!, ki jo snuje agencija DRAFTFCB PAN skupaj s partnerji, motivira vse, da kriza kot zmagovalci. Vsak predlog, vsaka ideja, misel, beseda in lahko pa vse to delite z nami tudi na Facebooku ( DRAFTFCBPAN) in twitterju (s hashtagom #krizaje).The crisis also reflected in marketing (published with permission).Kriza je odsevala tudi v oglaševanju (objavljeno z dovoljenjem). ABSTRACT: The 2009 global economic crisis also affected the economic development of Slovenia's statistical regions. Its impact can be measured in terms of the intensity of stress, and post-shock development can be measured in terms of the intensity of recovery. The study of regional economic resilience belongs to the concept of evolutionary economic geography and is based on an analysis of selected indicators that define the socioeconomic composition of the regions. In terms of shock impact and intensity of recovery, the regions are divided into four types with ascribed socioeconomic characteristics.