Document Layout Analysis plays an important part in understanding the content of the document and extracting OCR text. Existing methods rely primarily on parallel analytical and identification techniques. Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of parallel methods, this article proposes a Serial Classification Recognition Method based on the improved architecture of the Mask R-CNN. To be specific, an improved feature pyramid model SCBAM-FPN is proposed, which utilizes Spatial Attention Module and Channel Attention Module as well as Atrous Convolution to reduce the loss of local information in feature maps and expand the receptive field, thereby increasing the performance of FPN express ability. Experiments show that using SCBAM-FPN to replace the original feature pyramid network in Mask R-CNN improves the detection performance of Mask R-CNN network for multi-scale targets. In addition, in order to improve the accuracy of segmentation, a Mask edge correction algorithm is proposed, which combines the FCN semantic segmentation results with edge superpixel information and uses the Mask-IoU mechanism to perform edge corrections on Masks with scores of less than 90%. The serial classification recognition method utilizes the improved Mask R-CNN architecture to perform Document Layout Analysis. Firstly, the document image is recognized and the table is segmented. Secondly, the image after the split table is used to identify and segment the illustrations. Finally, identify the title and paragraph of the image after removing the table and the illustration. Although the serial classification and recognition method has a certain degree of decline in speed, this method solves the problem of competition among multiple attributes and improves the accuracy of recognition compared with existing methods. In this article, experiments that were conducted on three datasets show that the proposed method surpasses existing methods in terms of accuracy and efficiency.